November 3rd
Christ Jesus has completed a Finished Work and many are waiting on Him as if He needs to appear again to do some supplemental feat to satisfy unbelief. Truth is that He has made a new and living way into the Holiest though His Flesh (Hebrews 10:19-20). The generation called Christ, the spiritual Body, which includes all believers, must now grow up into the Head. All the Substance needed for growth into His fullness is within each believer.
The Holy Spirit of Truth revealed an amazing fact concerning each believer through the question of John the Baptist from prison to the Lord Jesus. The question according to Luke 7:19 was, "Art thou he that should come or look we for another?" Many believe that John was questioning whether or not Jesus was the Messiah and point to Jesus’ response to John’s disciples to tell him what they have seen and heard. To the hearing ear and seeing eye that only God can impart, the Spirit of Truth clarifies John’s question in a most profound way.
In the preceding verses of Luke Chapter 7, there is an account of Jesus raising a widow’s son from the dead. As a result of that miracle, verse 16 declares, "And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people." This news of Jesus spread rapidly, and John’s disciples informed him of the events. This information provoked John to inquire of Jesus, "Art thou he that should come or look we for another?"
There is no doubt that John was certain that Jesus was the Messiah. Consider the following accounts. John had recognized Jesus by leaping upon Mary’s salutation while he was yet in Elisabeth’s womb. Although John was being formed naturally in his mother’s womb, he was already filled with the Spirit of God. He had recognized Jesus at His Baptism and proclaimed Him to be the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. He heard the Father proclaim His pleasure in Jesus, His Beloved Son. Assuredly, he had heard the eyewitness reports of the works that only the Father can do through His Son. John said of this same Jesus that He must increase while submitting that he must decrease. There was no doubt in John’s mind that Jesus was the Anointed One. Why the question?