December 24th
Bartimaeus was the blind son of Timaeus, a name whose root meaning is unclean. This offspring of an unclean one is a representative of all who are apart from Christ. His state in spirit, soul, and body is summed up in one verse: Mark 10:46"… blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging."
Bartimaeus was blind, unable to see and therefore at the mercy of others. His physical state is a spiritual picture of those who cannot see by the eyes of the Spirit. He was positioned "by the highway" or out of the way of life. Isaiah Chapter 35 describes Christ as a Highway and declares that a wayfaring man, though a fool, cannot err in the Way. The secret is abiding in the Way once It is known! In spiritual terms, Bartimaeus’ bodily position was tantamount to being without the kingdom. Lastly, he was begging. His soul had to be sustained by the generosity of others which may or may not have been consistent. His was a situation much like the beggarly diet and principles of the religious system today.
The glorious day arrived when Jesus Christ, the One promised of God to be raised up to sit on David’s throne forever, was passing by. It was Bartimaeus’ day! This Son of David was in earshot of Bartimaeus. It was his time! So shall it be for all who seek Christ. Despite the multitude, the Master heard his cry, and He called Bartimaeus unto Himself.
Bartimaeus’ action demonstrates his faith to be restored in his spirit, soul and body. "And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus_Mark 10:50." His old nature was symbolically cast away. Instead of the donning a mantle of uncleanness, his action depicted one about to put on righteousness, the Lord Jesus Christ! He rose indicating a resurrection from an old way of life. Finally, he came to Jesus in the way. After Jesus declared his faith had made him whole and permiited him to go his own way, "immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way." Bartimaeus pictures a saint made whole (spirit, soul and body) thereby gaining entrance into true Way and continuing therein.