"...proving that this is very Christ." _ Acts 9:22
"...proving that this is very Christ." _ Acts 9:22

December 28th



     Women mentioned in Scripture represent the soul and generally depict a spiritual condition or type of the Church individually or corporately.  May men and women be equally blessed by the revelation contained herein.


    The first woman, "Eve," was a natural type and shadow of the spiritual Bride of Christ, the Last Adam.  Remember, God called the man and the woman "Adam" (Gen. 5:2).  "Eve" is the name she received from her husband after the Fall. The woman symbolizes the soul and the man the spirit.  The femininity of the soul is seen in the example of David when he said, "My soul shall make her boast in the Lord..." _ (Psalm 34:2). The soul realm includes the mind, will, and emotions.  "God is Spirit."      "He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit."_ (I Cor. 6:17).  The Apostles Paul and Peter refer to the masculinity of the spirit as the "inner man."  


     The man and wife should be a perfect reflection of Christ and His Church. If the woman was depicted as not being submitted to her husband or equal in strength rather than the weaker vessel in the Bible, that would mean the Church would not have to be submitted to Christ and would not need His Strength.  The result would then be utter destruction for mankind.  God’s Plan was never meant to side men against women or hold women in bondage.   The Sword of God’s Word rather divides asunder soul and spirit.


      An unbridled soul would result in total chaos whether the soul of a man or woman.  The soul (woman) must be under the authority of the spirit (man) at all times in order to please God. It is the spirit that is in union with God.  God is not sexist, but rather a Perfect Creator with a Perfect Plan.  Through the Redemptive Work of the Lord Jesus Christ, the woman (the Church or Body of regenerated spirits and saved souls of both men and women) is One with her husband (Christ) again. Once again they share the same Name in the Spirit. "And she shall be called The Lord our Righteousness. "_ Jeremiah 13:33.  Did you know that about yourself as a believer?


     If we walk in the Spirit as the Bible commands, the human vessel's gender is irrelevant because in Christ there is no male or female_ (Galatians 3:28).  It is the One Spirit of God and Christ (Head and Body) Who actually ministers through a chosen vessel as it pleases Him.  If the Spirit of Truth is not ministering, the soul is out of control whether regardless of the vessel.


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