December 8th
Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
The above guidelines concerning prayer are specific and weighty. If the average reader compares his personal "prayer life" with the above guide, he would be found quite negligent. No indictment, just an appeal to recognize the power of grace. Consider it! Praying always in the Spirit? Without getting to the part about "watching and supplication for all saints," the believer perceives a monumental task with this activity called prayer. Actually, the "task" becomes more simplified over time and transforms into a must-have relationship as one learns to navigate the infrastructure of the Spirit. (Be ever mindful of the simplicity that is in Christ).
As believers learn that life is constant communication with the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ with the Comforter at the ready to help, the focus turns to delighting oneself in Him. Those petitions that were once considered so important shed their veneer in His Presence and their sensual nature becomes fully exposed. Others are esteemed better than ourselves in the environment of Spirit. Praying in the Spirit is different than most are accustomed to. Times of communion become so intimate until His will is magnified and highly visible. This Image of Him is only seen in the Spirit. Don’t worry! When times of uncertainty arise or one knows not how to pray, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. _First John 2:1. He ever liveth to make intercession for us! _Hebrews 7:25.