"...proving that this is very Christ." _ Acts 9:22
"...proving that this is very Christ." _ Acts 9:22

November 23rd



Reading:   Luke Chapter 22:31-34


     Jesus was sure His prayer for Simon Peter was heard and answered by the Father because He continued, "When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."  Notice that Jesus did not say if thou art concerted, but rather, when thou art converted.  When true conversion takes place, it results in a complete change form death to life, sin to holiness, and carnal to spiritual.  We further see from the Words of the Lord that conversion is for a purpose, and that is to strengthen or establish thy brethren.  We are all destined for a far greater purpose in Christ than to be a mere representation of a name beside a number on a local church roll, existing in a "by and by" stupor.


     It is easy to discern Peter’s sincere intention to follow the Lord Jesus no matter what circumstances occurred.  The point is he could not follow the Lord to prison and to death in his own strength.  Herein is a sobering lesson for every believer.  We all need the Resurrection Power of the risen Lord, or we too will see how rapidly our good intentions become depleted in the face of trials.  Even staunch believers will easily deny the Lord the same three times as Peter.  In those three denials, the Holy Spirit meticulously encrypted the three ways many deny the Lord Jesus without even realizing it. 





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