This Daily Wisdom Journal has been developed over many years of ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A life in Christ fully led by the Spirit yields a bounty that is meant to be shared throughout the kingdom. The Spirit of Truth has been very gracious to open the Scriptures and unveil Christ, Head and Body, from within encrypted pages. Sacred secrets are in plain sight to the eyes of the Spirit. With this journal, I give heartfelt praise and thanks to God our Heavenly Father, Christ Jesus our Lord, the Holy Spirit, a beloved husband, Paul Bynum, Sr., who is a king and priest unto God, a devoted pastor, Gary Garner, who is now in glory, as well as many saints who also shared their hearts from their pilgrimages of faith in the earth along with and before me. These volumes are now presented from my heart to all God's children everywhere.
In Christ's Love,
Carolyn Priscilla Bynum